Your Pregnancy Week-by-Week - 20 Weeks Pregnant
Big baby!
At 20 weeks pregnant, you have a heavyweight in your womb (well, in baby terms, anyway). Your little champion weights about 10 ounces and stands 612 inches tall from crown to rump.
When your baby is developing, there is still plenty of space for him to twist and turn (and for you to feel his acrobatics!).
When your baby is developing, there is still plenty of space for him to twist and turn (and for you to feel his acrobatics!).
20 weeks pregnant is how many months?
You're in month 5 of your pregnancy if you're 20 weeks old. There are just four months left!
Boy or girl?
Do you want to know if the melon-sized belly contains a boy or a girl? It's now or never to take a look!
Though both male and female fetuses' external genitals still have room to mature, you'll be able to determine your baby's gender during the second trimester ultrasound, also known as the anatomy scan, which is normally scheduled between 18 and 22 weeks. You'll also have a good look at your baby's other main organs and measurements, checking that he or she is growing normally.
This examination, which lasts even longer than regular ultrasounds at the doctor's office, allows your physician to see how things are going in there — and they're going well!
If you're expecting a daughter, your baby's uterus will be completely developed this week, and the vaginal canal will begin to develop; you might be a grandmother in a few decades! Your little girl now has about 7 million primitive eggs in her tiny ovaries. By the time you are born, the figure would have dropped to 1 or 2 million.
If your fetus is a kid, the testicles are about to start descending, but they're still in the abdomen waiting for the scrotum to finish rising so they'll have somewhere to go in a few weeks.
Your Body at Week 20

Halfway there!
Now that you've reached the halfway point of your pregnancy (20 weeks down, 20 to go! ), the sweet potato you're carrying is becoming more of a reality as you feel his movements and earn smiles from passersby who notice your baby bump.
Your 20 weeks pregnant belly
You're halfway through your birth now that you're 20 weeks old — congrats! And by now, your 20-week-pregnant belly has most likely transformed into a cute baby bump.
Your appetite is probably very high, and you've probably popped enough that people are aware that you're expecting and that you can wear some trendy maternity clothes to accentuate your bump. Plus, you may be beginning to feel the baby kick right now, so it's all starting to feel more genuine!
Also at 20 weeks, though, there is already a wide spectrum of natural when it comes to baby bump size. So don't worry if your baby bump is larger or smaller than the one next door. Just keep in mind that other considerations, such as your size and form, will affect your results, Even genetics will influence how your 20-week-pregnant belly looks and how you're carrying, whether this is your first pregnancy or you've already had one or more.
Still consult the doctor if you're concerned, but try not to overthink things. No matter how large or tiny, all bumps are lovely and natural.
Hair and nail growth
You may also notice that your nails are stronger and that your hair is growing faster and feeling thicker and fuller than normal. Again, fertility hormones are to blame, as they trigger an increase in blood, which provides more nutrients to hair and nail cells.
However, even though the nails are long, they will get dry and brittle over time. And, as much as you can adore your voluminous locks right now, don't get too attached: When you give birth, the usual everyday hair loss that was suppressed during pregnancy (hence the thicker mane) returns where it left off and then some.
Feeding your growing appetite
Are you in the midst of a hunger strike? After weeks of fatigue and food aversions, you may be eager to make up for missed feeding time — say goodbye to crackers and hello to four-course meals!
Still, before you dive into the all-you-can-eat lunch buffet, there's something you should think about. Now that food is no longer a four-letter term, the grazing solution that was your mealtime MO during those nauseating months is always the perfect way to feed yourself and your son.
It not only avoids pesky second-trimester tummy problems like heartburn and indigestion, which are likely to set in after the second outing to the buffet, but it also means the baby gets a healthy stream of calories when she wants it most.
According to research, mothers who consume at least five small meals and snacks a day are more likely to bear their babies to term. So, as pregnancy hunger strikes, eat a lot of food — but just a little bit at a time.