Pregnant, and can’t stop going to the bathroom?

Increasing bathroom visits become a new routine for pregnant women. In the first trimester, especially around the fourth week, the urge to urinate begins to increase. The frequency urination is caused by the pregnancy hormone HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin), which increases blood flow in the pelvic area. In addition, HCG is also the hormone that causes morning sickness as well as your breasts to become more sensitive.
These hormonal changes in early pregnancy lead to an increase in blood flow and the kidneys act at high speed and work faster to eliminate waste from the body. The uterus begins to grow and presses on the bladder, thus increasing the desire to urinate during the day, and throughout the night.
What to do in this situation?
The suggestion is when urinating, try to empty your bladder as much as possible by tilting your body forward. When finished, try to pee again - a way to completely empty your bladder.
To try to reduce trips to the bathroom, some women avoid drinking fluids, but be careful, because the lack of water in the body can cause dehydration and, consequently, severe urinary tract infections.
- Avoid diuretics like caffeine. They make you urinate more often.
- Try to reduce your fluid intake just before bed.
Leaking urine
Another problem that can occur due to the fact that the bladder is often full is to leak - that is to urinate before reaching the bathroom. This can occur when you cough, laugh, or exercise. This type of urinary incontinence is called stress incontinence, and can happen in early pregnancy, although it is more common in the last trimester. Postpartum incontinence is also very common due to delivery weakened muscles around the bladder and pelvis, which are having a harder time controlling your flow.
- Try to empty your bladder more often. A full bladder is more likely to leak.
- Cross your legs. Before you cough or sneeze, you can cross your legs or tighten your pelvic muscles to help prevent urine from leaking.
- Using sanitary pads to prevent unexpected leaks can be helpful, even a pantiliner will do the trick
- While pregnant learn and practice exercises that strengthen the pelvic area. Kegels strengthen and tone your pelvic muscles. Studies show that they can help during childbirth and with incontinence during and after pregnancy.
For many women, pelvic muscle training can help treat stress incontinence. Once you have mastered the exercise, you can perform them anywhere and at any time.